Toddler Town maintains a detailed Policies and Procedures Manual, which includes—but is not limited to—the following policies. Parents are welcome to browse our Policies and Procedures Manual at the nursery.

  • Health and Safety
    • Safe Provision Policy
    • Fire Safety Policy
    • Emergency Evacuation Policy
    • Manual Handling Policy
    • No Smoking Policy
    • Activities and Supervision of Children
  • Infection Control Policy
  • Medication Policy
  • Incident Policy
  • Accident Policy
  • Severe Allergic Reaction Policy
  • Safeguarding Children Policy
  • Equal Opportunities and Inclusion Policy
  • Behaviour Management Policy
  • Biting Policy
  • Missing Child Policy
  • Non-Collection of a Child Policy
  • Sun Safety Policy
  • Hygiene Policy
  • Toilet and Bathroom Policy
  • Nappy Changing Policy
  • Sleeping Room Policy
  • Admission Policy
  • Curriculum and Teaching Approach Policy
  • Communication Policy
  • Anti bullying Policy
  • Doors and Gates Policy
  • Intruder Policy
  • Outdoor Area Policy
  • Arrival and Departure Policy
  • Breakfast and Afternoon Club Policy
  • Settling Period Policy
  • Hot Drinks Policy
  • Risk Assessment Policy
  • Hazardous Objects Found Within the Nursery
  • Storing of Hazardous Equipment Policy
  • Equipment and Resource Policy
  • ICT/Computer Policy
  • Mobile Phones and Cameras Use Policy
  • Data and Image Retention and Use Policy
  • Confidentiality Policy
  • Staff Training and Development Policy
  • Continuous professional Development Policy
  • Complaint Policy
  • Working in Partnership
  • Volunteers and Trainees Policy
  • Recruitment Policy
  • Induction Policy
  • Supervision Policy
  • CCTV Policy

Please see Toddler Town reception desk for detailed and further information about our policies and procedures.