Learning Methods Scientifically Distinctive
In the happy atmosphere of Toddler Town, learning is fun! But behind it all, there is a well thought out, researched and proven concept and method:
Evidence-based delivery
We pride ourselves on our excellent delivery and recording of the EYFS curriculum. But we realize it’s important to a parent to not merely have a relationship with their child’s nursery, but also know what their child is doing. So we have built our systems around that need:
We follow the EYFS framework to record and track children’s learning in the following ways:
Initial assessment
The class teacher creates an initial baseline assessment report for each child after their first few weeks at the Nursery.
Teachers plan activities and the ‘next step’ in the child’s development. Each week, they summarize the plan in a weekly planning sheet, which they share with the parents.
Teachers assess each child’s learning journey regularly. Each assessment is recorded on the Daycare Channel App and maintained. That way, we can effectively track your child’s current learning vis-à-vis expected learning areas.