A child’s practices at the nursery and at home must be consistent. Such consistency is critical for effective learning.That is why parents and teachers work in tandem, playing key roles together in the development of your child.
Our open-door policy also enables you to approach us about any problems or issues, or simply to catch up! Such open communication is integral to our belief about the child’s holistic development.
Parent partnership functions on a daily basis. Our daily photo updates and feedback keeps you in the loop regarding what your child does each day, through our mobile-friendly parent communication app.
Another level of partnership is our monthly newsletter, which includes a reflection of the previous month at the nursery, and various announcements such as details of forthcoming school trips, sports events, changes in procedure, and diary dates.
Meetings between you and your child’s teachers are scheduled twice a year to review your child’s progress and achievements, and to set targets for future development.
In addition to these formal meetings, parents are welcome to contact members of staff anytime throughout the year should they have any queries or concerns which they would like to discuss.
In addition to any individual concerns, all classrooms have a parent representative, who represents all the class parents as a collective voice, and serves as a close link between the nursery and the parents.